CBD Sport
Feel Good Again
Athletes Wellness Beauty Relief Pets

We pride ourselves in being hands on from seed to finished products.
All finished goods are 3rd party tested and available upon request.
What is the difference between HEMP/CBD & POT?

What's the Difference Between Hemp & Pot? | MERRY JANE News

Beneficios del aceite de cannabis para tu salud:

Pain relief
Promotes cardiovascular health
Reduce Acne
Nausea relief
Settles your gut

Helps with anxiety
Promotes sleep

Joint Pain
Noise Phobias

Benefits of CBD

Why are Athletes choosing CBD oil?
It inhibits PAIN AND IMMFLAMATION induced by exercise by affecting the TRPV1 receptor, glycine receptors, and adenosine receptors.
Is an effective antiemetic that can help with NAUSEA and feeling sick during intense physical training.
Can help STIMULATE YOUR APPETITE helping athletes like MMA fighters and power-lifters consume more calories needed to build muscle.
Helps with MUSCLE SPASMS that are caused by dehydration, fatigue, strain, and trauma.
WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) removed CBD from their list of banned substances in 2018

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300mg Cartridges
CBD Pet 125mg
CBD Sport Gummies